By Anna Mayer Diaz, Executive Director
Taller de José’s doors have always been open to anyone in need of our services. In recent months, we’ve started to see an increase in clients who have recently arrived to the United States, many of whom are seeking asylum and many of whom arrived on buses sent from southern border states. Each client has met one-on-one with a Compañera or Compañero who has listened to them and helped determine how best to accompany them. Some have come to our offices seeking shelter and access to basic needs like food. Others had already received housing support elsewhere but lacked furniture or the winter clothes needed to survive the colder months in Chicago. Some needed to follow through on unclear instructions from immigration officials to check in regularly with local offices as part of their immigration process. Many have requested referrals to pro-bono attorneys to assist with the arduous asylum process. Our staff have provided referrals and support to connect these individuals with the services they seek and hopefully help them to feel welcome in their new city.
Earlier this week, our staff member Dayana had the opportunity to accompany one of these individuals to Goodwill. We had referred the individual to a program that provided her with a voucher to shop in the store for winter clothes and other necessities. Dayana shared what a joy it was to see the client find relief in getting access to these important cold-weather basics. And, the timing could not have been better with forecasts of a blizzard in the days ahead.
Hearing Dayana’s story, I reflected on the fact that this could not be a more fitting story for the season of Advent, during which we remember the story of Mary and Joseph seeking shelter and hospitality far from home, as they prepared to welcome a new baby. Just like Mary and Joseph, many of our clients have tried many places before they found Taller de José, and were unable to find the services they sought. While we aren’t providing shelter to all of these individuals serve, we hope that we are creating a place of welcome and hospitality, both in our offices and in their new city. We hope we are a safe place where they can rest and find the support they need as they build a new home and a new community.
We are grateful for the many organizations and individuals coordinating services and donations for all those newly arrived to the city, and we’ll continue to do our part to support, accompany, and welcome all those who arrive at our doors as well.