By Betzy Morataya Social Work Intern, Quinn Center Compañera
Taller de José has provided me with a wonderful first-year field placement experience. At the beginning of my internship, I was extremely nervous about what my time here would bring. As I reflect upon the year that I have served as a Compañera, I only feel gratitude. I am thankful to the staff that welcomed me into the team with open arms from the first day. I shared so much time with every Compañerx during the first few weeks of my internship, shadowing their work with clients. I can confidently say that with their help, professionalism, and advice, I was able to best serve my own clients.
I am thankful to the supervisors and directors that have provided their support. Throughout my time as a Compañera, they have advised me during case consultations and answered my questions openly. They have also extended their support and concern to me outside of the organization, always encouraging open communication. They have also done an amazing job in creating a safe environment for me and my colleagues in which we have been able to create lifelong bonds and memories.
Lastly, I am thankful to the clients that have allowed me to hear their stories. They have shared their patience and allowed me to learn alongside them. They have trusted me with their vulnerability and I can promise that I have not taken it for granted. The clients at Taller de José have truly demonstrated to me what resiliency and bravery looks like.
I have been lucky to share my time in an organization in which the community is at the core of its values. Taller de José demonstrates the power that lies within working and providing for the benefit of the community. They are aware of the community that they belong to, and try their best to reach as many people as they can. Everyone involved with Taller de José has defined community in their own way, but some way carries this value within them. I move onto my next project demonstrating what Taller de José has taught me about community.