
By Kari Carmody, Amate House Fellow and Compañera I recently met with a client, Karina, for assistance with child support paperwork. We deciphered what the paperwork meant and what her next step was, and afterwards she then asked me if I knew where she could get a van that was wheel-chair accessible for her family…


Welcoming New Arrivals

By Anna Mayer Diaz, Executive Director Taller de José’s doors have always been open to anyone in need of our services. In recent months, we’ve started to see an increase in clients who have recently arrived to the United States, many of whom are seeking asylum and many of whom arrived on buses sent from…


The Kitchen Table

By Kari Carmody, Amate House Fellow Compañera  Everyday the Taller de José staff tries to eat lunch together at the same time, this is something very special to me. Throughout my 3 months at Taller so far I have shared a lot of special moments around that table such as celebrating co-workers birthdays, work anniversaries,…


2022 Annual Appeal and Giving Tuesday

Today, we invite you to help us reach our goal of $35,000 for this year’s Annual Appeal and GivingTuesday. We have seen a 20% increase in clients in the last year, and anticipate continued growth in the need for services in the months ahead. The pandemic and challenges of the past several years have widened…


The Beginning

By Joe Alex Vazquez, Social Work Intern Compañero I remember the first day I came to Taller de José. I was an hour early because I misread the email and I was nervous and did not know what to expect. I was welcomed at the door by Brenda and I was given a little tour.…
