On September 8, 2016, Taller de José celebrated it’s “golden birthday,” celebrating 8 years of the ministry of accompaniment on September 8th. In honor of the occasion, Taller de José unveiled and blessed a new mural completed by the youth of the Imago Dei Program. Imago Dei is a project of St. Agnes of Bohemia Parish whose mission is to passionately help flourish the identity of youth through mentoring, art, and faith to transform them into agents of change for the community.
The youth and their mentors worked with Taller de José to design this mural as an expression of the ministry of accompaniment. It incorporates some of the physical aspects of accompaniment—the L train, the city of Chicago—as well as images that express the mission of the ministry and charism of the Congregation of St. Joseph—symbols of love, peace, unity, collaboration.
At the celebration, representatives from the Padres Angeles group of St. Agnes shared a poem dedicated to the youth of the Imago Dei program. Padres Angeles was formed as a group for parents, many of whom have lost children to gun violence, to work to promote peace in the community. The founder of the group and author of the poem, Doris Hernandez, shares her hopes for peace in our communities and a bright future for the “young painters.” A translation as well as her original poem are below.
Young Painters
They have received permission
To paint over graffiti.
Their canvases are the walls,
The doors on garages,
And even the fences,
On homes of humble people.
Their murals express
The sadness that’s left,
Of the loss of their friends
Who have left
And will never return.
They dedicate their paintings
To their faithful companions
In honor of children
Who one day
The violence took away their dreams;
Their lives destroyed.
They outline drawings of hope
Religious Images
That boosts their confidence
In a world depressed in indifference
For those that say I love you
With no importance of reality.
When seeing their murals
You discern the truth
Despite the fact that in their hearts
The violence has left its footprint.
They hope greatly
To reach liberty.
Movements in all places
Of brushes and paintbrushes
In the colored drawings
While you hear infantile laughter.
Feeling important
As every neighbor that passes
Comments and looks…
Youth, do not stop,
Continue painting
This dark reality
So in your hands
I’m transformed.
In the end it will all be worth it.
With no importance to the effort,
Nor the price to be paid,
The triumph will be achieved,
Not only for you now
But for the people
Who lovingly
Will always support you.
Jóvenes pintores
Les han dado permiso
De pintar sobre grafiti.
Sus lienzos son las paredes,
Las puertas de garajes,
Y aun las verjas,
De casa de gente humilde.
Sus murales expresan
La tristeza que les dejo
La pérdida de sus amigos,
Que se fueron
Y que ya nunca volverán.
Dedican sus pinturas
A sus fieles compañeros
haciendo honor a niños,
Que un día
La violencia les quito sus sueños
Sus vidas destruidas.
Delinean dibujos de esperanza,
Imágenes religiosas,
Que les aumente la confianza
Eu un mundo abatido e indiferencia
Por los que les dicen te amo
Sin importar la realidad.
Al mirar sus murales
Se vislumbra la verdad
Que a pesar de que en sus corazones
La violencia ha dejado su huella
Ellos desean con creces
Alcanzar la libertad.
Movimientos a todos lados
De brochas y pinceles,
En los dibujos coloreados
Mientras se oyen infantiles risas.
Sintiéndose importantes
pues todo vecino que pasa
Comenta y mira…
Jóvenes no se detengan,
Continuar pintando
Esta oscura realidad
pues en sus manos,
Estoy convierta.
Al final habrá valido la pena.
Sin importar el esfuerzo,
Ni el precio que tengan que pagar,
El triunfo habrán logrado,
No solo para ustedes ahora;
Sino el de las personas
Que amorosamente
Siempre los apoyaran.