By Brenda Rodriguez
Driving down the 24th Boulevard is something that I would do frequently. Never would I have imagined that on my daily driving trips I would overlook a gem in the Little Village Community. As someone who grew up in a close-knit community I never really pictured myself in another community. Little Village is a warm and vibrant community with wonderful people and I am proud to be a part of such a wonderful team.
I began working at Taller de José in August 2016. It was a bit overwhelming at first. There were so many people that needed our services; I found it difficult to understand that there were so many people that did not have access to resources that I thought were readily available. At Taller de José, we see people who are in all types of situations. Out of all of my responsibilities; I feel that my biggest responsibility is to make people feel welcomed. I try to put myself in their shoes. Some of these people have been turned down before; some feel like the whole world is coming down on their shoulders.
Recently, a woman came to Taller de José for the first time, and as she waited, I could tell that she began to get nervous. I stepped away from my desk, sat across from her, and I asked if she was okay. The woman began to cry. She mentioned that she was stressed and that she felt like she couldn’t trust people anymore. I handed her a box of tissues and I told her that her compañera was a really great person, easy to talk to, and kind hearted. The woman smiled a bit.
Sometimes I wonder if what I do or tell them makes a difference. I smile at everyone that comes to Taller de José because I like for them to feel welcomed, and if they return to Taller de José, then they are able to see a familiar face. One day I received some information from our Executive Director; she showed me that one of our clients had made a donation, and the note mentioned a compañero’s name and mine. That made me smile. It also made me realize that even though I do not physically accompany people to where they need to go, I am still able to play a small but important role in being present when they need someone by their side.
Good for You, Brenda!
Thanks for this reflection! You are living that Everyone Counts!
Thanks for all you do!