How inspiring last week was to hear Pope Francis repeatedly encourage us to minister to the least amongst us. How refreshing to have an entire week where our airwaves weren’t filled with constant messages from wealthy politicians denigrating the weakest, calling us to deport them.
In Madison Square Garden, Pope Francis proclaimed that the presence of God walks the streets of our cities. What a privilege we at Taller de José have to walk in solidarity with those most in need while they share their stories. In this reciprocal relationship, we are able to accompany and give voice to so many whose voices are seldom heard in society. In turn, they animate us with their courage, persistence and love of family.
For many of the individuals we serve, they are relieved to be able to share their story in their own language. It can be so reassuring to be heard and spoken to in one’s native language. Hearing the Pope share his messages in Spanish in South America, Cuba and US has been so affirming to those who are always told,“Speak English!” It is such a gift for me to be able to extend a listening ear and kind words in Spanish as well.
May we all be endowed with that incredible, tireless energy to preach the gospel in word and deed as Pope Francis does.
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