“The model of Accompaniment is a lifestyle that I want to demonstrate [in] all areas of my life” – Taller de José intern


“TDJ could not have been a better place to have a volunteer experience. Between the supervision and work culture it has given me so much to consider for future employment. I now know more about myself and the values I will look for in a work place and what I need in order to succeed.”


“It has been a community whose purpose is to walk alongside others and connect them to services. I have been able to see how Taller strives to have everyone who enters our door feel welcomed and heard.  The community has become a second home to me. Taller has continuously given me an endless amount of love and support. When I first arrived at Taller de José, I didn’t know what I was expecting or what I could provide. Now, I’m leaving with a renewed sense of confidence, love and direction in my social work journey.”
