“I run for Taller because I truly believe in the work that they do, and, although I am not one of their staff, since the beginning, I have felt so warmly welcomed as a part of the team. I have learned and grown from my partnership with Taller, and I realize how fortunate I am to collaborate with another organization that values and practices both compassion and respect for every person that walks through their door or reaches out for help.”


“I am proud to be running for a team that seeks to create systemic change and promotes an equitable society” – Marisa Dransoff, Team TDJ marathon runner, 2021″


“The model of Accompaniment is a lifestyle that I want to demonstrate [in] all areas of my life” – Taller de José intern


“TDJ could not have been a better place to have a volunteer experience. Between the supervision and work culture it has given me so much to consider for future employment. I now know more about myself and the values I will look for in a work place and what I need in order to succeed.”


“It has been a community whose purpose is to walk alongside others and connect them to services. I have been able to see how Taller strives to have everyone who enters our door feel welcomed and heard.  The community has become a second home to me. Taller has continuously given me an endless amount of love and support. When I first arrived at Taller de José, I didn’t know what I was expecting or what I could provide. Now, I’m leaving with a renewed sense of confidence, love and direction in my social work journey.”


“In Taller de José they treat you so well, as if they were your own family.”

TDJ Client

 “Thank you for the help you’ve found for me in my situation. It’s a step closer to reaching my goal, something that without your help would take much more time on the phone and in person.”

TDJ Client

“They helped me so much because I didn’t know what to do and with their help I am fixing my personal situation. They are very helpful and I am very thankful.”

TDJ Client

“[The compañer@s] made me feel confident and they treated me with respect and kindness, it seems that they understand my case well and are available to help me, which I am thankful for.”

TDJ Client

“TDJ truly values relationships and bringing others together.”

Community Partner