Yolanda is a shy young woman who came to Taller de José last week. She was referred by Mujeres Latinas en Acción, a local agency that serves victims of domestic violence and seeks to empower women in the community. Yolanda is soft spoken but self-assured. She credits Mujeres Latinas for helping her develop this self-assurance through counseling after experiencing years of domestic abuse.
Through Mujeres Latinas, she was referred to Catholic Charities for assistance with an immigration visa application available to support victims of violent crimes who are working with law enforcement officials in the United States. It is a long process involving going to the police station and getting copies of police reports or going to the Daley Center—the major courthouse in Chicago— for other required documents. That’s where we at Taller de José help by accompanying individuals to these places to navigate the documentation process.
After multiple accompaniments, Taller de José assisted Yolanda in gathering the necessary documents and her gratitude and relief were evident. But Taller de José was only one piece of the network that Yolanda has formed. It is such a joy for us at Taller de José to partner with other organizations to provide a strong support network for our clients to empower them to use their own strengths and grow in self-confidence.
Thank you Taller de Jose for providing support to clients like Yolanda with through your services and also for kindly mention what Mujeres Latinas en Accion has done for her. Always is glad to know that we have impacted positively the life of people.