A Path to Normalcy

by Brenda Rodriguez It feels really nice to be back at the office. I get to see some of my colleagues again after three months of not seeing them in-person. I can feel that there is that sense of normalcy starting to kick-in. Slowly but surely, I am settling back into a great routine of filling out applications, answering…


The Gift of a New Day

by Mary LaVigne In reflecting on my first months here at Taller de José, I have learned so much about what accompaniment means, and how it looks in our current context. From Zoom training and webinars to my first appointment and in-person accompaniment, I have been reminded of one important thing. Day by day. That…


Walking with the Wind

by Maria Post “I have never appreciated the incarnate nature of God more.”  Someone recently shared this reflection at a virtual retreat I attended, while lamenting that we could not be together in person. Since then, I have found myself quoting them often, every time I find myself overjoyed to be in the presence of…


A Need for Progress

By Nico According to the Latino Policy Forum, coronavirus tests taken by Latinos have come up positive nearly 46% of the time. This figure is stunning. To consider that the odds offered by a coin flip can capture a client’s odds of contracting this virus threatens despair. This virus burns furiously, feasting on communities left…


Serving Our Dear Neighbor

By Joan Stopka Wednesday, March 11, 2020 was a relatively busy day for me. I had spent the majority of it at Rush University Hospital with one of my clients while she went through some testing. The coronavirus was becoming part of everyone’s vernacular at this stage but something in the news caught my ear…


Recursos para el COVID-19

Última actualización: 15 Abril 2020 Guía de recursos de Latinos Progresando Guía de recursos del ICIRR para inmigrantes en Illinois Página de recursos del Foro Latino de Políticas Página de recursos de los centros de salud Esperanza Página de recursos de la ciudad de Chicago Illinois tiene una linea de asistencia para el coronavirus disponible…


Hope Still Exists

By Brenda Rodriguez At times like these, the memory of certain clients can fill my mind and re-kindle my heart. One client on my mind in heart right now is Rigo. Rigo, who is now 72 years old, arrived in the United States approximately 45 years ago and has lived here ever since. He came…


Recursos para el COVID-19 / COVID-19 Resources

Last updated: 4/15/20 Guía de recursos de Latinos Progresando/Latinos Progresando Resource Guide Guía de recursos del ICIRR para inmigrantes en Illinois/ICIRR Resource Guide for Immigrants in Illinois Página de recursos del Foro Latino de Políticas/Latino Policy Forum Resource Page Página de recursos de los centros de salud Esperanza/Esperanza Health Centers Resource Page Página de recursos…
