Join us at

Builders Day 2025

Sunday, April 27 | Crystal Sky Banquets McCook, IL

Your generous donation not only supports our ongoing work, but also provides opportunities for clients & community partners to join us for Builder’s Day for free!

Meet our award recipients

Join us for brunch as we celebrate the builders among us – those who shape our community with care and compassion.

Our 2025 Honorees:

Patrick M. Green

Kolbe House Jail Ministry

Liz Figueroa-Serrano

Would you like to support Builder’s Day in another way?

We also welcome in-kind donations of items and services. Please reach out if you or your businesses are interested in in-kind opportunities. Please contact us at

You may donate online here or by mailing or delivering a check to:

Taller de José | 5533 S. Sawyer Ave. Chicago, IL 60629  | Make Checks payable to: Taller de José

Did you know: every TDJ client receives services 100% free of charge?

The work we do at Taller de José is entirely supported by sponsorships, grants, and individual donors. We couldn’t do this without you!

Because of the amazing support of last year’s Builder’s Day 2024, we were able to expand our services by: 

  • Partnering with Wellness West to ensure more support for community members with chronic health conditions
  • Working to expand our staff, including a full-time Compañerxes at our main location and our satellite location in Maywood

Now, more than ever, Taller de José is in need of additional full-time, permanent staff to much-needed work in Little Village, Maywood, and beyond.

So this year, we’ve ramped up our fundraising goals. 

Through our Builder’s Day sponsorship and event fundraisers, we hope to raise $75,000 to support the growth and stability of our organization—so we can continue to serve the people who count on us!

Please join us in celebrating and supporting the work we do at Taller de José.

For many people, navigating these systems isn’t just frustrating—it’s nearly impossible to achieve alone.

That’s why we do what we do at Taller de José.

We provide personal attention, support, and companionship to members of Spanish-speaking immigrant communities in Chicago who struggle to navigate:

  • Immigration systems
  • Counseling support
  • Financial services
  • Legal services 
  • Domestic violence assistance

And other complicated, convoluted systems they might encounter.

Our staff, our Compañerxes, are trained to truly hear the needs of our clients—and then accompany them through the process of finding and accessing the resources they need.

As such, our Compañerxes are the bridge that connects community members to the health, legal, and social services that empower them to reach their goals.